Resurrection Sunday Craft
I was in a panic scrolling through Pinterest for do-able last minute ideas to do an activity with kids that would help teach them the story of Yeshua’s Sacrificial death and resurrection. It was Resurrection Sunday and in Israel its just another work Day. We would be hosting company later that afternoon, and we were already tired from multiple seders. I had failed and not planned ahead to make Resurrection Sunday a teachable moment for the kids. Much in the same way that all of us are home bound this year, I didn’t have an “East Sunday Service” to take them to. And the only supplies I had were what I could find around the house to teach a lesson.
There are a whole lot of cute “garden tomb” floral ideas, but for a MUCH more advanced skillset and preparation. I was frustrated at myself that I had let Resurrection Sunday sneak up on me and I hadn’t planned ahead to help our children celebrate. Last year was special though because Good Friday landed on the first night of Passover, and Resurrection Sunday landed on the Feast of First Fruits. And while I had been preoccupied with moving and hosting and life in general and not planned ahead I still wanted something simple for the kids to remember. So I rummaged through my craft supplies and pulled out card stock and toilet paper rolls and brads and glitter (everything is better with glitter!). I know many of my friends think I’m brave to use glitter at home, but really, how bad of a mess can be spilled and spread that a vacuum can’t help remedy?
And so I gathered the kids to my lap and we read through Mathew 28 ( this was the first chapter of the Bible I remember reading on my own as a child) and we created 3D centerpieces for our table out of paper and toilet paper rolls. Nothing fancy. Each child had their own twist and flare. It’s wasn’t perfect or pretty either. But it told the story of the crucifixion, the 2 thieves on either side of Yeshua, That Yeshua himself surrendered His own life on the cross in submission to the Fathers Gracious plan of salvation, that that he died without a bone broken with sinners and was buried with the wealthy for 3 days and then rose again. The angels arrived with the appearance as bright as lightning (hence the glitter) and rolled away the stone to reveal that Yeshua was already gone.
I show you this because it ISN’T perfect. It ISN’T amazing. It’s simple and to the point. It’s last minute, and I was still in my PJs when we did it, thinking about the mess downstairs, and the company that was coming over in a few hours. But we stopped to capitalize on the moment to be present. To take advantage of the teachable opportunities that are too easily rushed through or overlooked entirely. It was last minute, but it taught us how we were saved.
I want to encourage you to take advantage of the moments God is giving you with your children to teach HIS story. Read God’s word to your children and find ways to include their other senses—sight, touch, sound, hearing, and if possible taste!